Wyoming Veterinary Technician Association

PO Box 34
Cody, WY 82414



Discipline of Certified Veterinary Technicians:


  • Upon written complaint sworn to by any complainant or upon its own motion, the WyVTA Certified Veterinary Technician Committee may set a hearing or revoke or suspend the certificate of any certified technician.
  • A hearing shall be held no sooner than 20 days after written notice to a respondent of a complaint against him or her.
  • Notice of the time and place of the hearing, along with a copy of the complaint shall be served personally or by mailing first class to the address furnished by the respondent.
    • The hearing shall be held before and conducted by a Hearing Panel composed of members of the WyVTA Executive Board. At this hearing, the respondent shall be allowed an opportunity to present any relevant evidence, to examine all witnesses, and to be represented by counsel. After hearing all evidence the Executive Board will determine the disciplinary action. This may include revocation or suspension of the certificate of any certified technician for any of the following reasons:
      • unprofessional or unethical conduct or engaging in practices which are in violation of the standards of the WyVTA constitution, bylaws or code Governing Veterinary Technicians in Wyoming;
      • fraud, misrepresentation, deception in obtaining certification;
      • fraud, deception, misrepresentation, or dishonest or illegal practices;
      • fraud or dishonesty in the application or reporting of any test for disease in animals;
      • incompetence, gross negligence, or malpractice;
      • willful making of any false statement as to any material fact in any oath or affidavit which is required by this code;
      • revocation by another state of certification as a veterinary technician in that state for any conduct which in Wyoming constitute grounds for revocation or suspension under this Code, and, in such case, the record or any hearing held in the other state shall be admissible in evidence;
      • conviction of:
        • charge of cruelty to animals;
        • a violation of either Federal or State laws regarding controlled substances;
        • a felony in the courts of this state or any other state, any territory, or any other country which, if committed in this state, would be deemed a felony;
        • charges that involve the unlawful Practice of Veterinary Medicine.
          the WyVTA may take temporary action based upon a record of a conviction of any of the above, even though an appeal of the conviction may be pending;
        • engaging in any act consisting of cruelty to animals, unlawful Practice of Veterinary Medicine, Violation of any Federal or state law regarding controlled substances, or any violation regarding the dispensing of drugs, narcotic drugs, medicines, poisons, or dangerous drugs;
        • permitting another to use his/her certificate for the purpose of obtaining employment;
        • obtaining employment under a false or assumed name, or impersonating a technician;
        • addiction to alcohol or habit-forming drugs or habitual use of narcotics, barbiturates, amphetamines, hallucinogens, or other drugs having similar effects to the extent that it incapacitates or limits his ability to function;
        • a determination that he/she is mentally incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction.

After suspension of certificate:

  • At the conclusion of a period of certificate suspension, the disciplined technician may make written application to the WyVTA, for the reinstatement of certified status the disciplined technician shall have the Burden of Proof of establishing the satisfaction of the WyVTA Executive Boards that he or she is professionally and ethically rehabilitated to resume practice as a Certified Veterinary Technician.
  • The Certified Veterinary Technician Committee may establish whatever conditions for reinstatement they deem necessary to protect the public and the profession, may include payment or back fees and/or, re-taking the certification exam, and/or, submitting proof of continuing education attended (type and time period).

After negligent failure to renew certificate:

  • Any Technician who represents him/herself as a certified veterinary technician after the expiration of his/her certificate and willfully or by neglect fails to renew such certificate shall be misrepresenting his or her qualifications; but any person may renew an expired certificate by paying the current renewal fee plus all delinquent renewal fees plus a delinquency fee as established by the WyVTA.
  • The WyVTA Executive Board may refuse to renew any certificate, which has expired for conduct that constitutes a violation of the parameters of certification.